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Embodied & Empowered: The Somatics of Presence With Love

April 28 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm


Join us at The Well: A Center for Women’s Wellness for this experiential workshop

Come together in circle to learn about your nervous system, ego & emotions + how to start coming back into the power of your body


Our modern life can feel exhausting.

So many things on our to-do list, so many people asking for our attention, so many should’s and have-to’s. It can feel like we just need to keep going, to make it through another day, and eventually things will settle (yet ‘eventually’ never seems to really arrive).

It is also exhausting to hold ourselves back, disconnect from our truth, and move through life without feeling. It is exhausting to be out of our bodies, to live life for others or how we think we are ‘supposed to’, to hold back our voice, and to hide from our power.

In many ways, we live safe lives. And in other ways, we know that we don’t truly feel safe. We don’t fully feel relaxed and comfortable in ourselves. We have done a great job of surviving, and now we know it is time for something else. It is time for more aliveness. For more trusting of our intuition. For taking the step we know we need to take in our health, relationships, living environment, career. It is time to give ourselves the love we desire. And we start this by coming back to the body.

In this workshop, we will explore:

  • The nervous system and what it feels like to experience safety in our bodies
  • How fear initiates our protective defense mechanisms that prevent us from living in our true and loving hearts
  • Ego beliefs around identity, emotions, expectations, and perceived threats
  • Embodied experiences of regulation, presence, and being with emotional sensations

If you are ready to experience a shift in the way you feel in daily life, this is an invitation to start to FEEL – differently.

Coming into our bodies can be scary, and the mind may have a lot of thoughts about it. For a moment, I invite you to close your eyes, feel into something grounding, take a few breaths, and see what your body says about joining this circle.

Here, together, we start to remember that we are safe to soften, safe to feel, and safe to heal.

A few notes…

You may want to bring a journal, though handouts will be provided and this will be an experiential session where we really open to being present with our bodies and trusting in the wisdom already within us.

You can expect some time for receiving content and teachings on Polyvagal Theory and the states of the nervous system, self-experiencing of safety within you, self-reflection time, and group sharing and discussion.

Please arrive a few minutes early to allow for getting settled and supporting the time we have together in this container.

You may wish to make space for integration after this workshop – time to be in nature, to create, to reflect.

Dress in what feels comfortable and true for you. We may have some gentle movements.

About Meagan Connley | Presence With Love

Meagan Connley, Founder of Presence With Love, is a trauma-informed Integrative Somatic coach + Enneagram Facilitator based in the greater Cincinnati area who supports individuals on the path of remembering their wholeness. She serves as a gentle mirror and provides a safe space for allowing your full self to be seen, heard, and felt through one-on-one, couples, and group offerings.

In being present with you, Meagan leverages her professional background, multiple certifications, and lived experience of healing and growth work to allow for discovering a deeper truth together. In addition to her MBA and 12 years of corporate analytics and consulting experience, she has over 200 hours of Enneagram training through IEA accredited programs, and is also certified in Somatic Trauma Therapy (offering a lens of Polyvagal Theory, Internal Family Systems and other modalities), Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead curriculum, PSYCH-K®, Yin Yoga, Breathwork, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Meagan is passionate about living a life of fullness, alignment, and freedom – a life of Presence with Love.