We have all seen the destruction caused in Oklahoma by the recent tornadoes. Many have wondered what they can do to help. Well, it looks like you can laugh to help out.
No, we aren’t being mean. The Dayton Funny Bone is donating proceeds from not one, but TWO shows this week.
Thursday, June 6 and Sunday, June 9 the always hilarious, Vince Morris will be headlining these fundraiser shows.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGNeJ-yx1TY’]
Dave Glardon will be the feature comic both nights. Chris Alan with be the emcee on Thursday will Adrian Cosby filling that role on Sunday.
The Funny Bone is even allowing 2 guest comedian spots for these shows. One slot is being filled by Tracy Cooper, and the other spot will be filled by a local comedian that is really trying to get the word out via social media. Who might that be? The organizers say they will award that spot who doses the best job promoting this show and they will announce that soon (in the meantime, comics…they’re watching you).
Tickets are $5 each, and all proceeds will go directly to the United Way in Oklahoma. If you can’t make it to one of these shows but would like to make a donation, you can call the Funny Bone at (937) 429-5233 and tell the ticket agent you’d like to “buy” tickets (at $5 each), but will not be able to attend. That way they can take your donation, but leave the seats open for somebody who will be able to attend. The club will also accept donations at the door if you feel inclined to give a little extra.
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