With First Friday ending the week, there is a lot happening in Dayton. Although this column highlights events specifically for YPs, I encourage you to check out all this weekend has to offer including First Friday , Paddle in the Park, or the kick-off to Pride Week. We play well with others right? It doesn’t HAVE to be all YP all the time. But you have the DMM event calendar for additional events. If you’re looking to socialize with the specifically under 40 crowd, here are some YP activities this week:
Tuesday, June 1: HYPE is hosting a membership meeting at The Caroline tonight at 7 PM to welcome new members and plan upcoming membership events. If you’re looking for YP action in the Northern Miami Valley – stop by.
Wednesday, June 2: First Wednesday of every month is your time to check out the Dayton Ballet Barre/Associate Board Meeting – Want to know more about this great group? Join them for their meeting and find out how you can get involved. Meeting starts at 5:30, but come early for the social/happy hour at 5 PM and meet some new people.
Thursday, June 3: Calling all printers, designers, artists and anyone interested in the magic of 2D/3D imagining. The Dayton Adobe Group (discovered through the Dayton Creative Syndicate) hosts Bart and Michael from EskoArtwork for a free meeting/demo from 6-7:30 PM.
Take your pick when to see Rent as performed by Encore Theatre Co. Gen D will be going on Thursday, June 3 and Sunday, June 6 if you want to know that they’re be a bunch of other YP’s in the crowd. Speaking of YPs – ETC is a young, vibrant and exciting theatre troupe based right here in Dayton.
Friday, June 4: HYPE is hosting a TGIF lunch at Tin Roof this Friday at 11:30 a.m. RSVP’s for this lunch are due to Nikki at [email protected] by noon this THURSDAY.
FIRST FRIDAY!!! Want a specifically YP way to check out First Friday? Hook up with updayton’s Street Buzz and “Get Buzzed.”
Finally, this Sunday is the deadline to RSVP to the great DULYP event – National Day of Service. Make a difference with other YPs by building a brand new playground in the East End neighborhood. Event is on Saturday, June 12 – but RSVP deadline is this Sunday!
Hope everyone had a fantastic and meaningful Memorial Weekend and is ready to get out there and have fun in June! As always – if I missed an event sponsored by YP group – post it in the comments.
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