…it’s hard to believe that Dayton Music Fest 2010 is only a week away. We hope all of you are getting as excited as we are. We continue today with more Q&A sessions with the bands you’ll be able to see at DMF2010 with The Story Changes and Good Sir Con Artist…
BAND NAME: The Story Changes
HOME BASE (city): Dayton, OH
FORMED (year): 2004
STYLE OF MUSIC: Rock, Post-Punk
MEMBERS (names and instruments played): Mark McMillon – Vocals/Guitar, Christopher “Poppy” Popadak – Drums, Samples
SHARED INTERESTS OF BAND MEMBERS: Touring, Making Music, Coffee, Lost, Gadgets.
DISCOGRAPHY (release title and year):
Analogies – 2009 Future Destination Records
The Way of the Dinosaur – 2007 Future Destination Records
Dead to Me – 2006 Future Destination Records
Last Night a Rockband Saved My Life – 2005 Future Destination Records
The Story Changes / Sparechange? split – 2004 Confined Records
SONG THAT BEST REPRESENTS YOUR BAND (and why): I think our song Constellation has a good mix of a lot of the elements that make up our band. It has a fun hefty guitar riff that muscles it’s way through the song, a straight up pop style hook in the chorus, and a looped ending that basically turns into a drum solo, haha.
NUMBER OF DMF APPEARANCES (and years): I believe we have been lucky enough to play DMF the last four years, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006. It’s always a great time not only performing, but seeing a lot of friends out and about.
LATEST NEWS (what’s up?): We spent the largest part of the Summer on an seven week tour through the States. It’s been a very rewarding year and we’ve been having a lot of fun. We’ll take a short brake in November while both of us head to Europe with Hawthorne Heights. We will be finishing out the year with a run of dates through the Midwest in December, leading up to our annual HoliDayton show at the end of the year.
PLANS FOR 2011: We’re really looking forward to recording a new album early on in the new year.
WEB SITE: www.theStoryChanges.com
MP3: The Story Changes “Move Forward”
Download audio file (Move_Forward.mp3)
BAND NAME: Good Sir Con Artist
HOME BASE (city): Gem City
FORMED (year): 2007
STYLE OF MUSIC: 90’s pop rock, indie
MEMBERS (names and instruments played):
Jacob Vox/Guitar
Andy Guitar/Vox
Evan Bass
Alex Drums
SHARED INTERESTS OF BAND MEMBERS: Money, Giggles, Talking when we Drink, and
forgetting to take pictures, Comparing Jeans, Not being mature enough for
gloves, Alex not telling what he hears
DISCOGRAPHY (release title and year): Self Titled 2007, This Just Happened
2007, Buying the Time 2009, Self Titled 2010
SONG THAT BEST REPRESENTS YOUR BAND (and why): Ones we haven’t written quite yet
LATEST NEWS (what’s up?): I tell ya the places we seen, they ain’t nowhere
to where were gonna be
PLANS FOR 2011: We’ll see what happens
WEB SITE: Type “Good Sir Con Artist” in Google
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