…Although Cincinnati is renowned as a haven for garage rock enthusiasts, the Queen City is also home to the art rock synth/pop duo Pop Empire. While the duo boasts an impressive pedigree, Henry Wilson (son of famous rock photographer Michael Wilson) and Cameron Cochrane (ex-Sheds, producer for The Lions Rampant, instigator for The Seedy Seeds) chart a distinctive course with their debut EP, Rainy Child. Fueled by propulsive drum machines, slashing garage guitars, and moody synthesizers, Wilson serves up vintage glam vocals with Cochran providing a subdued counterpoint. Currently, the band is offering Rainy Child as a free download via their website, so stop by and grab this little goody. Pop Empire will be stopping through Dayton this weekend at Blind Bob’s, performing with XL427, Toads and Mice, and Jesse Remnant & the Trainwrecks. Tune in now…
MP3: Pop Empire “Twirling”
Download audio file (Twirling.mp3)
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