I am incredibly proud and honored to be even considered a part of the illustrious group who performed and spoke. Their fearlessness pushed me to dig to depths not previously imagined. The conversations back stage with fellow speakers lead to joyful embraces and exchanges of ideas and the potential for future collaborations. That was the seed that was planted yesterday.
We all have to make an even more concentrated and willful effort to participate not just in activities and events, but also in the lives of others. A community is not just about bricks and mortar, it also about the untapped HUMAN CAPITAL.
Yesterday was about COMMUNITY, the expenditure of energy from the volunteers is what provided the platform for the inspiration to occur. The use of their HUMAN CAPITAL allowed for CREATIVITY and awe inspiring excellence to happen.
The common thread among all of the presenters and performers is a primal drive to create and explore and share. We all have found our callings in life. Even if you do not believe in a divine presence, the acknowledgement must be made that there are greater forces at play. Energies of the universe coursing through the veins of each and every presentation that you saw yesterday on that stage was very palpable. That is what must be constantly tapped into or we will forever be wandering in the wilderness seeking.
Those people on the stage are the true leaders in our community. They lead not from a need to accumulate wealth and power. They are tapping into the power of positivity. They are compelled to create out of the need to tap into the possibilities, not out of a need for glory and accolades. This is what made TEDX a game changer.
This is how profound TEDX was for me. Go forth Dayton and made the change happen.
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