PK Vol. 6 Presenters
Sam Enslen of Dragonfly Editorial uncovers a treasure trove of staged photos she and her sister took of their Barbie dolls 30 years ago. For the first time, the secret lives of these three Barbies, their modeling agency, their families, their pets, and their globe-trotting adventures are revealed to the public.
Sharon Howard, Director of Marketing for the Dayton Development Coalition, relates the story of how her celebration of the photo-journal: Crowns: Portraits of Black Women in Church Hats, took on a life of its own to become a calendar benefit for the Kettering Medical Foundation’s Women’s Wellness Fund.
Sherif Hedayat, owner of Erratic Media, is a stand-up comic and director who will share his expertise on erratic creativity.
Brandy King, a.k.a. Vizz, is a food reviewer through her blog Food vs. Face. This ravishing redhead is known to extol the merits of meat and beer and eats like a well-mannered wild animal.
Chris Wire is an artist who is turned on by welding and grinding. He does not like celery. As head of Real Art Design Group he surely has something intelligent, imaginative and inspiring to share with us.
Jay King talks! If you are fascinated by comic book style illustrators, you will love Jay’s presentation. Normally a man of few words, it will be a rare treat to have him take the mic.
Reade Faulkner is a funny thinker and he is friends with Jason Sheets. But that’s not the only thing that makes him amusing. You’ll have to come listen to find out anything else.
Rounding out the speakers is urban activist Theresa Gasper, Full Circle Development, a woman of vision and action. Hear the story of how she came back to the neighborhood where she grew up, determined to renew it.
At 9:00PM, watch the 50-minute documentary DIVE! Filmmaker Jeremy Seifert dumpster dived in the receptacles of L.A.’s supermarkets to expose the truth about waste.
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