Happy October! Dayton is being treated to one of the nicest falls I can remember! But life’s not all about apple picking and corn mazes (side note; I find corn mazes terrifying. Is that just me?), there’s also some really good theatre to be had in the next two weeks! Including one coming up later in the month to help get you into that “Halloween-y” spirit. What’s happening? Well I’m glad you asked!
Closing This Weekend!
The Taming of the Shrew
Sinclair Community College
The Skinny: The Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare, is the tale of a merchant’s two daughters. The younger, prettier, Bianca, cannot be married before her strong-willed sister, Katherina. Trickery ensues as a young adventurer from Verona decides to woo and win Katherina bringing new meaning to love, honor and obey.
The Dates: This show has three performances left: Thursday (Downtown Dayton Night) at 7 pm, Friday and Saturday at 8 pm.
Tickets: Ticketing and parking information can be found online here.
Dearly Departed
Troy Civic Theatre.
The Skinny: A companion piece, of sorts, to the well-loved Dearly Beloved, this southern-fried comedy utilizes the same cast of wacky characters, this time putting them against the sombre backdrop of a funeral.
The Dates: Performances are October 5th and 6th at 8 pm.
Tickets: Tickets can be reserved by calling 937.339.770o
Now Playing!
The Hobbit
Zoot Theatre Company
The Skinny: Dayton’s only puppet-and-mask theatre troupe takes on J.R.R. Tolkien’s tale of Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit who is much like the rest of us: he would rather sit at home and avoid any kind of adventures. When the wizard Gandalf and his company of 13 dwarves make a surprise visit, Bilbo is dragged unwittingly into an adventure that includes goblin dodging, battles and dragon slaying. This masterpiece is brought to life as only Zoot can do with over 25 life-size puppets and 11 actors!
The Dates: The Hobbit runs 2 more weekends; Friday 10/5 – Sunday 10/14. Friday and Saturday nights at 8 pm, Sunday afternoons at 2 pm. All performances are at the Dayton Art Institute in the beautiful Renaissance Theatre.
Tickets: Zoot’s website can lead you to ticketing information. Click here.
Opening This Weekend!
And Miss Reardon Drinks A Little
Dayton Theatre Guild
The Skinny: Three sisters are each misshapen in a different way by a childhood without order or stability. Anna is a science teacher convinced she’s contracted a life-threatening illness; Catherine, who has her own life issues, is the sister who cares for her, and Ceil, also in the business of education, has manipulated life often at the expense of the other two. From this twisted mix playwright Zindel has created an unexpected, delightful comedy.
The Dates: Reardon opens Friday, October 5th and runs 3 weekends to close on Sunday, October 21st. Fridays are at 8 pm. Saturday the 6th is at 8 pm, Saturday the 13th and 20th are at 5 pm and all Sundays are at 3 pm.
Tickets: Please visit the Dayton Theatre Guild website to reserve tickets, here.
Opening Next Weekend!
The Dayton Playhouse
The Skinny: Dracula. Van Helsing. Rats. Bats. Stakes. It’s the classic vampire tale brought brilliantly to life on the Playhouse stage and guaranteed to give you goosebumps.
Dates: Dracula rises on October 12th and runs 2 weekends, closing Sunday October 21st.
Tickets: Please visit the Playhouse website for ticketing information, here.
That’s all for now, folks. Get out and enjoy some theatre…I can promise you, every night spent inside a theatre is 2 hours during which you won’t hear or see a single political ad! That’s reason enough, right there!
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