…although we’ve been exceptionally quiet around these parts, rest assured, we are still very much alive. This afternoon, the organizers of the Dayton Music Fest announced the official schedule for this year’s fest, to take place on Saturday, October 2. You’ll see some new names, some new clubs, but will certainly experience the best that the current Dayton crop has to offer. Take a look:
12:30: The Story Changes
11:30: Kuan
10:30: Eat Sugar
9:30: Okay Lindon
Tumbleweed Connection
12: Human Reunion
11: Astro Fang
10: Jasper the Colossal
9: Yakuza Heart Attack
12:30: Toads and Mice
11:30: Hospital Garden
10: 30: Nick Kizirnis Band
9:30: Sohio
12: The Turkish Delights
11: Good Sir Con Artist
10: Alone at 3 am
9: Bonneville
7 pm: Roley Yuma
6 pm: Sleep Fleet
5 pm: Luxury Pushers
3 pm: Jesse Remnant & the Trainwrecks
2 pm: Father’s Day
1 pm: Wake Up Mordecai
…if you are interested in becoming a volunteer for Dayton Music Fest 2010, please contact the staff at [email protected]…
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