I’m pleased to announce that we have our first official syndicated blog here on DMM, and we went big with this one! Please welcome The Buddha Den – the BEST local music blog anywhere in the Dayton Region! Kyle Melton is the man behind the blog, and as a lifelong Daytonian he knows the local music scene as well as anybody. If you want to read more about him, just head over to the the articles about his two-year anniversary featured in this week’s Active Dayton and Dayton City Paper.
The Buddha Den covers the local music scene with a primary focus on indie rock. In addition to very well written posts about local shows, bands and even national indie groups (that are usually playing a show in Dayton), The Buddha Den features many great mp3’s from Dayton’s best bands – with the stipulation that they are for sampling only, and he encourages folks to support the bands by buying their music and/or coming to shows. So if you want to listen to a track or two before deciding to go check out a show then head over to the Buddha Den’s site and you’ll likely find it there.
So what is all this syndication all about? It just means that you’ll be able to read Buddha Den posts here on DMM in their entirety shortly after they’re published. If you’re a true local music junkie then you’ll likely just go straight to The Buddha Den’s site, but if you just want one site to get the overview then you can get it here. Look for more syndications in the near future as we continue our quest to make DMM the most comprehensive online magazine in the region!
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