Two young Dayton performers will appear on this Sunday’s episode of NBC’s Little Big Shots hosted by comedian Steve Harvey. This hit show, now in its second season showcases talented and unique kids from all over the United States and the world. The feel-good, family-friendly series, executive produced by Harvey and Ellen DeGeneres, features Harvey in hilarious conversations and interviews with the young talent.
Grennan James Bartlett-Nealeigh; professionally know as Grennan the Green Monster performed a knife throwing bit on the show with the assistance of his sister Charlotte. Eleven year old Grennan has just been accepted to Stivers Performing Arts Academy in Dayton. When they filmed this show last summer Charlotte also performed a contortion act.
According to the children’s father Thomas Nealeigh, “both Grennan & Charlotte have been on stage since they were babies. Grennan took his first steps on the stage of our theatre, The Empire Amusement Hall, that the family used to have in Hollywood. The day Charlotte came home from the hospital we bundled her up and took her to a show with us.”
Grennan started performing on stage at age 4 – and was on Nickelodeon’s FIGURE IT OUT doing the Bed of Nails when he was just six. Charlotte started on stage as soon as she could walk. Both children appeared on NBC’s America’s Got Talent in 2014, then on SuperKids for Germany’s Sat1 in 2015. Charlotte Lenore Bartlett-Nealeigh; professionally know as La Pequeña Arañita (the Little Spider) is just nine years old and attends Charity Adams Earley Academy for Girls in Dayton.
Grennan & Charlotte have appeared onstage with FreakShow Deluxe and by themselves at George Washington’s Mount Vernon; Frontier City Amusement Park in Oklahoma City, OK; a fundraising event for WYSO in Dayton; the Sideshow Festival in Wilkes-Barre, PA; The Southern Sideshow Hootenanny in New Orleans, LA; the Hollywood Fringe Festival in Hollywood, CA; and the Texas Showdown Festival in El Paso, TX among other events. More locally, they have upcoming shows in May at the Ohio Historical Society in Columbus, OH and a feature show at Therapy Cafe in Dayton.
Proud parents Thomas Nealeigh and Alice Bartlett, both performers themselves who own the touring FreakShow Deluxe Carnival Side Show, are hosting a Little Big Shots watch party this Sunday evening at Therapy Cafe. Doors will open at 7:30pm and the show airs at 8pm.
The Nealeigh-Bartlett family on a visit to The Magic Castle in Hollywood last summer while they were in California for the taping of Little Big Shots: