Did you know that in only 10 minutes, you can help your local community for 10 years? That’s because the answers that every Ohioan gives to the 10 simple questions on the 2010 Census questionnaire will impact Ohio for the next 10 years!
This year’s form covers things like how many people live in your household; whether you live in an apartment, mobile home, or a house; and the age and race of each person living in the home. This information is used to determine how Ohio is represented in electoral votes. In recent years, our state has been a battleground state for U.S. presidential races, with our 20 electoral votes often helping determine who would represent our country. How many Ohioans respond to the 2010 Census will have an impact on the number of electoral votes our state has in elections for the next 10 years, with congressional districts adjusted or redrawn to account for population shifts in each state.
More importantly, our responses also help determine how much of the more than $400 billion of federal funding each year is spent in Ohio for not only services like job training centers, but also building roads, hospitals, and schools. We’ve seen how important these investments are in times like these, and we are calling on all Ohio Ambassadors to help others understand the importance of filling out their forms.
As Ohio Ambassadors, you have a unique opportunity to tell your business partners, family, friends, and neighbors about how important just 10 minutes will be to our future. Half of our state has not responded to the form as of this week, and we need every Ohioan counted if we want to continue to support the people and communities of our state. We’re encouraging you to make a difference in your community by filling out your form today and spreading the word about how every person can impact the lives of their neighbors, family, and friends for the next 10 years.
If you or someone you know did not receive a 2010 Census form, please visit the Ohio 2010 Census Web page or the 2010.census.gov site to find a Census Help Center nearest you to pick up a questionnaire and be counted!
This story courtesy of hiVelocity
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