Hello Everyone,
If you still need to see LIFE ITSELF, THIRD PERSON or CHEF (which has been here 9 weeks!), you’ll need to hurry. Thursday will be your last chance to catch any of these films at THE NEON. On Friday, we’re clearing the decks for two new films – the critically acclaimed and powerful new film IDA and the romantic drama WORDS AND PICTURES. (For this week’s remaining showtimes, visit our website at www.neonmovies.com)
Synopsis for IDA: At last year’s Toronto International Film Festival, I saw 30+ films. This film was at the top of my list (with films like 12 YEARS A SLAVE and PHILOMENA), but it won’t stick around for too long. I hope you’ll hurry down. “From acclaimed director Pawel Pawlikowski comes IDA, a moving and intimate drama about a young novitiate nun in 1960s Poland who, on the verge of taking her vows, discovers a dark family secret dating from the terrible years of the Nazi occupation. 18-year old Anna, a sheltered orphan raised in a convent, is preparing to become a nun when the Mother Superior insists she first visit her sole living relative. Naive, innocent Anna soon finds herself in the presence of her aunt Wanda, a worldly and cynical Communist Party insider, who shocks her with the declaration that her real name is Ida… In this beautifully directed film, Pawlikowski returns to his native Poland for the first time in his career to confront some of the more contentious issues in the history of his birthplace. Powerfully written and eloquently shot, IDA is a masterly evocation of a time, a dilemma, and a defining historical moment; IDA is also personal, intimate, and human. The weight of history is everywhere, but the scale falls within the scope of a young woman learning about the secrets of her own past.” (taken from Music Box Films press notes) Click on this LINK to visit the official website.
Synopsis for WORDS AND PICTURES: “A witty romantic drama, WORDS AND PICTURES stars the engaging duo of Juliette Binoche and Clive Owen working together on-screen for the first time. Prep school English teacher Jack Marcus laments his students’ obsession with social media and good grades rather than engaging with the power of the written word. A one-time literary star, Jack has not published in years filling his spare time with drink versus the art of language. He meets his match in Dina Delsanto – an abstract painter and new teacher on campus, who was once celebrated for her art. From the start, the two flirt and provoke each other with equal relish.” (taken from Roadside Attractions press notes) Click on this LINK to visit the film’s official website.
On Tuesday, July 29 at 7:30, The Evangelical Immigration Table will host a one-time screening of the documentary THE STRANGER. “This film was produced to motivate evangelical Christians to take a stand for immigration reform. The film tells the story of three families caught in our broken immigration system. The film is a stark reminder that immigration isn’t just a political issue, and it certainly isn’t a liberal or conservative issue. It is an American issue, and it is a spiritual issue. Tickets are $5 (Now Available at THE NEON’s Box Office) and all proceeds will go to local refugees served by New Path Outreach, a ministry of Ginghamsburg Church. Watch the film. Then call your Congressman.” (taken from press notes) A panel discussion will be held after the screening.
On Thursday, July 31 at 7:30, 4 Paws For Ability will screen LEGENDS OF THE KNIGHT. This tugg screening has crossed its required threshold, but more tickets are still available…with a portion of the proceeds going to the group that provides service dogs to children in need. “LEGENDS OF THE KNIGHT weaves together the uplifting true stories of individuals who have overcome devastating obstacles, unselfishly given to the community, and embraced their inner superhero because of their love of Batman.” Follow this LINK to find out more about the film, watch a trailer and reserve your ticket.
On Sunday, August 3 at 1:00, SPAN Ohio will hold a one-time screening of THE HEALTHCARE MOVIE. “Single Payer Action Network Ohio (SPAN Ohio) is proud to host THE HEALTHCARE MOVIE on the 49th anniversary of our own Medicare system. THE HEALTHCARE MOVIE is a 65 minute documentary that reveals the intensity of the political struggle that led to Canada’s universal medical care system, and exposes public relations campaigns that have been prevalent in the U.S. since the early 1900’s to dissuade the American public from supporting national health care. Every day people are dying or going bankrupt due to the ills of the United States system. Who are we in the face of this human tragedy? If you agree that people are more important than profits, then you must see this film. Admission is free and open to the public.” (taken from SPAN Ohio press notes)
“On Thursday, August 14 at 7:30 Boston Stoker is proud to present A FILM ABOUT COFFEE to the Dayton Area. The film, which first premiered in Seattle at the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA), explores the world’s involvement and fascination with specialty coffee from crop to cup. It captures in-depth views on the current state of specialty coffee with footage from throughout the US, Africa, South America and Japan. Boston Stoker is a specialty coffee roaster and wholesaler that has operated out of Dayton, Ohio since 1973. The company has a long history with direct trade work within the coffee industry, focusing on Heart to Honduras.” (taken from Boston Stoker press notes) This screening will be an Ohio premiere! Click this LINK to find out more about the film. Click this LINK to visit Boston Stoker’s official site.
Save the Date! On Saturday, August 30 at noon, Roosevelt Class of ’67 is planning a fundraiser with a screening of BUCK AND THE PREACHER. More details will be in next week’s newsletter.
I’m delighted to announce that our opening date for BOYHOOD has been moved up! It will now open on August 1, and we can’t wait!
Thanks so much for your continued support!
We hope to see you soon!
SHOWTIMES for Friday, July 25- Thursday, July 31:
IDA (PG-13) 1 Hr 20 Min
Friday, Saturday: 1:00, 3:00, 5:15, 7:20, 9:20
Sunday: 1:00, 3:00, 5:15, 7:20
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 3:00, 5:15, 7:20
Thursday: 3:00, 5:15
Friday, Saturday: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:30, 9:45
Sunday: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:30
Monday: 2:50, 5:10, 7:30
Tuesday: 2:50, 5:10
Wednesday, Thursday: 2:50, 5:10, 7:30
THE STRANGER (NR) 45 Min + Discussion
Tuesday: 7:30
Thursday: 7:30
(All Dates Are Tentative. Dates Often Move And Sometimes Disappear.)
Aug 29 – LAND HO
Aug 29 – CALVARY