If you love Dayton, like new ideas and want to see what others who believe in our region are up to, you need to experience Pecha Kucha! Correctly pronounced its four syllables “peh-cha koo-cha”, but it’s perfectly acceptable to say you’re headed to PK night! The concept originated in Tokyo and is based on a presenter having up to 20 slides to talk about for 20 seconds each. The images forward automatically and presenters talk along to the images.
Held once a quarter, this Friday, June 25th meeting will also be the public debut of South Park Residents Carli & Hamilton Dixon’s newest adventure: Atta Girl Art & Gardens at 905 E. Third Street, just west of Keowee. The site itself is worth the trip, as you’ll see what these brave entrepreneurs have taken on and are revitalizing an old abandoned 18,000 square foot building into:
* Urban gardens