So, if you haven’t noticed, construction crews are busy messing up converting 18 blocks of downtown Dayton’s one-way streets into two-way streets.
Am I the ONLY one who doesn’t like this idea?? (Don’t answer that, no one asked me anyway.) But seriously. WHO are they doing this for? If you already live, work, or frequent downtown Dayton, like moi, then you already know which streets are one-way and you drive accordingly. It’s not that hard. If you don’t already live, work, or frequent downtown Dayton, GET A MAP or a GPS! Again, not that difficult. I mean, were there a HUGE rash of crazy traffic accidents downtown because people didn’t know which side of the street they should be driving on??? If so, there must be a cover-up because as you know the local news around here covers every fender-bender and flat tire in the region.
So, my dear City Commissioners or whoever the heck decided this was a good idea – here’s what you have done. I, Jenny Rapson, a life-long resident of Dayton who drives through downtown several times a week, NO LONGER KNOW WHERE THE HECK I AM GOING. At 32 years old, I am already set in my ways, and one of my ways was ONE-WAY streets downtown. Now, we may have a rash of fiery traffic accidents because the routes I have been driving my whole life are now totally different. AND? MY GPS DOESN’T KNOW IT YET, EITHER!
Let me reiterate: you have confused and irritated the people who were already frequenting downtown. Good luck luring all those new customers with your shiny two-way streets. I’m sure your really good idea will work.
I’m just a *smidge* grumpy about the directional street changes downtown. How do you feel about them?