Blessings come to us in many ways. Today I experienced one of those blessings.
For the past few years I have been lucky enough to be part of a group called Breakfast Santa’s. The mission of the group is to spread some surprise joy during the holiday season.
I want to be clear about this – our way is NOT the only way! My hope would be that someone reading this says maybe I can find a group of friends and do this on a scale that works for us. The point is spreading the blessings!
Our group has some of the most amazing, giving people in it. Typically, we try to visit a few restaurants and spread the joy. Last year was tough with the pandemic and this year has still had its limitations. However, today a group assembled at a restaurant in Greene County for lunch (I know it’s not breakfast). Some members of our group couldn’t make it but sent contributions to the organizers through Venmo, check or other payment apps.
Those funds were collected, and placed in a gift bag. After our group ordered, enjoyed lunch and paid – the server was called over and given the gift bag – and told this group wanted to share a tip. The bag contained roughly $3000. The server, wearing a Santa tshirt that said “Believe” opened the bag and teared up. She said that this came at a perfect time.
It’s moments like this that remind you of the joys of the season! We have an amazing group of friends that are Breakfast Santa’s and you and your friends can do this too – in your own way!
Spread the joy!