Helping Adolescents Achieve Long-term Objectives (HAALO) is an arts program created through a partnership with the Montgomery County Juvenile Court Program. Under the leadership of Judge Nick Kuntz and Judge Anthony Capizzi, the HAALO Program in partnership with K12/TEJAS Gallery exposes Court-involved youth to different mediums of art while also teaching them life skills that will assist them in being successful members of our community.
Arts exposure can be an integral asset building tool for our young people; from critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills to creativity, motivation, and patience, the therapeutic process of the HAALO Program has endless benefits for the young people involved. The youth artists work with a local artist and Court staff Brittini Long and Shirley Tucker, to plan and execute these amazing murals. The art that these young people produce is displayed on vacant buildings throughout the City of Dayton.
Murals have shown to be an effective way to combat blight and vandalism, as well as encourage neighbors to take responsibility for their community. It encourages at-risk teens to participate in the creation of artwork and to have a sense of pride in the rejuvenation their artwork brings to the urban landscape around them. Their murals can be found in numerous sites throughout the city. Our picture from last week was done by K12’s HAALO program.
A lot of you incorrectly guessed this was by the 2nd Street Market but about a dozen of you knew exactly where it was at 3rd and Findlay Streets. We randomly drew from the correct answers and Hannah Flemming of Dayton will be enjoying free Rapid Fired Pizza!
So here’s this weeks mystery location:
If you know the location of this photo, please do NOT comment with the answer, but instead enter it here:
We’ll let you know next Monday if you got it right! Good Luck!