Every year (except for that one year that we can all probably agree to forget about) since 2017, the team at Ghostlight Coffee sets aside a full day to celebrate the onset of fall with featured espresso drinks, bakery goods, local fare and more. The Lumberjack Festival has grown in size and popularity over the years, much like the legend of Lumberjack Joe himself, with the 2021 festival set to be the biggest to date.

Ghostlight will host nine local vendors such as Joe’s Modern Garage, Reduce Reise Refillery, and Deeper Roots Coffee at it’s South Park location on Saturday, September 25 between 9am-2pm. Lumberjack-goers can enjoy featured drinks, including the signature Lumberjack Latte (a warm, sweet, slightly smoky concoction with maple, cinnamon and smoked sea salt), bakery items, games, giveaways and more.

Guests are encouraged, and may even be rewarded, for attending in their best tree-trimming garb (though we do ask that you leave your axes and oxes at home). Instead of a vendor or booth fee, Ghostlight Coffee is encouraging all vendors to make a donation to The Rubi Girls. Additional details, such as a bakery menu and games, will be shared in the weeks leading up to the event.