Ghostlight Coffee started selling zero-proof spirits in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Shane Anderson, owner of Ghostlight Coffee, and his wife Lezley Pisone, had been diving into the world of nonalcoholic spirits at home and wanted to share the opportunity with the Dayton community. What started as a single shelf of products has transformed into a full-fledged bottle shop located inside the historic coffeehouse located on Wayne Avenue.
The Bottle Shop by Ghostlight boasts a varied selection of zero-proof spirits and “social beverages,” as the shop calls them. Customers can choose from familiar spirits such as gin, whiskey, tequila and rum (all with no alcohol) as well as pre-mixed “cocktails” and unique herbal elixirs. A variety of sparkling beverages and “clean” wines, non-alcoholic craft beer, cocktail syrups, aperitifs, aromatic bitters and more, all crafted without alcohol, open up wonderful tasting experiences for any palate.
“I have been more than pleasantly surprised to experience some bar cart staples’ and unique herbal elixirs that are now a part of my evening ‘unwind’ ritual,” said Pisone, who chooses an alcohol-free lifestyle but has experienced the taste of popular cocktails in the past.
The demand for better non-alcoholic beverages has been growing rapidly since the start of the pandemic. Prior to recent years, those abstaining from alcohol for any reason often had few choices. Water, soda, or if you were lucky, a tonic with lime was probably the best you’d find at a party or bar. “Sober bars” and non-alcoholic cocktails have been popping up with greater frequency nation-wide, but the Ghostlight Coffee Bottle Shop will be the first of its kind in Ohio.
Ghostlight also has a line-up of bubbly Brut Champagne and Rosé stand-ins such by TÖST, Zilch and Jøyus for those who would like to provide these non-alcoholic options for your wedding or other celebratory events. These will be available by the bottle or to pre-order by the case.
‘We recently came to the rescue for a local couple that was hosting an alcohol-free wedding,” said shop manager Jennifer Piasini. “The couple had ordered multiple cases of TÖST, a dry sparkling white tea beverage, but the delivery was delayed. They came into the shop and cleared our shelves so they could have a toast at their reception!”
The Bottle Shop was purposefully completed just in time for “Dry January” to support those who may be adjusting their habits in the new year. Ghostlight plans to offer a limited menu of zero-proof cocktails so new customers can taste and experience some of the most popular products. The Bottle Shop will also host special events such as a zero-proof cocktail class led by former Ghostlight barista and level-three sommelier candidate Evan Danielson on Friday, January 21.
The Bottle Shop by Ghostlight Coffee is located inside the existing coffeehouse at 1201 Wayne Avenue. Hours are 1:00pm-6:00pm Monday through Saturday, but additional shopping may be done by request with Ghostlight Coffee manager Jennifer Piasini, (937) 985-2633 Ext. 1 or
New to Zero-Proof? Shane and Lezley Share Their Favorites:
Pisone is partial to a classic gin & tonic with Monday Gin and Fever Tree Aromatic Tonic Water. Anderson, on the other hand tends to mix up an evening Old Fashioned with Monday Whiskey and a WithCo mixer. The couple mutually enjoy the calming Three Spirits Nightcap as a tremendous end of day cocktail.
Ghostlight Coffee manager Jennifer Piasini enjoys a refreshing Spirito Fresco with Free Spirits Gin, Jo Snow Aperitivo Spirito and Fever Tree Aromatic Tonic. She also has found the Waterbrook Winery Chardonnay a terrific alternative. Explore more of our favorites online.
Zero-Proof Cocktail Recipes:
French 75 – a festive non-alcoholic take on this celebratory cocktail
1 oz. Ritual Gin
1⁄2 oz. Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
1⁄2 oz. Simple Syrup
3 oz. Chilled Jøyus Brut Garnish with a Lemon Twist
Maple Old Fashioned – a classic 2 oz. Monday Whiskey
1 tsp. Pure Maple Syrup
4 dashes DRAM “Black” Bitters Garnish with a Cocktail Cherry Stir with ice cubes
Three Spirits Julep – choose your own adventure! Use either the energizing Livener or the mellowing Nightcap by Three Spirits to make this delicious cocktail your own.
2 oz. Three Spirits Livener OR Nightcap 1⁄2 oz. Simple Syrup
3-4 dashes DRAM “Citrus” Bitters 10-12 Mint Leaves
Muddle Mint Leaves with Simple Syrup Mix well with remainder of ingredients and crushed ice
Garnish with Mint Leaves