So………, with much excitement, we’d finally like to announce that we are finally opening Sunday, NOVEMBER 13th 2016 @ 1200 Brown St. Suite 150. We will be open from 10am-9pm.
We are offering 12 core Dogz out of the long list of dogs that we have and will always have another 3 to seasonally rotate around throughout the seasonal changes. We are implementing side items other than chips, and also salads, and a new protein, chicken sausages, and also, finally by popular demand, a gluten free bun option?
Something I’d also like to mention is all of the local community we’ve pulled in to help build our location. The artists, marketing people, tech peeps, contractors, design group, realtor company ect……. are all a part of helping our restaurant come together and wouldn’t be what it is now without the help of everyone who’s rode this ride with us. We’d just like to give a special thanks to those mentioned that have really made our new location what it is now
It has been a long journey and we are so proud to finally be at this point of
finally showing everyone what we’ve spent 3 years working so hard for, and what we’ve been working on the last 6 months. We’ve really put a lot of our blood, sweat, and tears into our brick and mortar location, and we are just so stoked to finally introduce Zombie Dogz Dayton to the community. We couldn’t have made it this far without everyone’s support over the years. That’s why we are just so full of emotions to finally give Zombie Dogz a permanent place here in Dayton, but most importantly to finally give our employees a permanent job. We are so lucky to have the crew that has stuck by us since the beginning and has believed in us this much to have stuck it out this long with us for this day to finally come. We’ve hired a new crew that we feel is just as rad and are so lucky to have wonderful people working for us.
With all of that being said…….. We super look forward to opening and seeing your lovely faces ?
Now there’s no excuse that you couldn’t find us?
Again, thank you for helping us get to this point. It will never be forgotten
Zombie Dogz