Victoria Theatre Association is bringing the exciting production “Traces” to Dayton starting December 6 through December 18. From the Traces website:
Traces takes place in a make-shift shelter, an unknown catastrophe waiting outside the doors of tarp and gaffer tape. The seven characters constructed this clubhouse to live to the fullest what they believe could be their last moments, hoping to leave nothing unsaid or undone. In the face of this impending disaster they have determined that creation is the only antidote to destruction, and their brand of creation is the fleeting impulses and desires that extend through their bodies and unfurl onto stage – the story is told through music, song, dance, speech, illustration, and high-risk acrobatics. The characters use every mode of expression available to them, hoping to leave a lasting mark… to leave their traces as best they can.
As they tell the stories of their past and share their various personal strengths and weaknesses, the audience gets to know these seven performers from every possible angle. The familiarity grows, and the acrobatics – a seemingly “inhuman” element – takes on a startlingly human nature. At its heart, Traces celebrates seven individuals, their particular bond and their particular talents; their risk-taking; the ultimate affirmation of life; and their unbridled energy, proof of a collective pounding pulse.
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Traces is a production of the Montreal troupe Les 7 doigts de la main which translates to “the 7 fingers of the hand” – representing the seven founding directors of the company and a twist on a French idiom (“the five fingers of the hand”) used to describe distinct parts united tightly, moving in coordination towards one common goal. 7 Fingers was founded in 2002 with a simple mission – bring circus to a human scale. Traces, one of several shows under the 7 Fingers belt, is “a circus that lets its freak flag fly” (NYT). Unlike mega-productions like Cirque du Soleil (where the founders of 7 Fingers came from), the performers in Traces share their own personal stories in an intimate setting as they combine acrobatics with contemporary dance and urban elements like basketball and skateboarding. is proud to be a media sponsor for Traces, starting at the Victoria Theatre on December 6th. Tickets are on sale at
We’re giving away THREE PAIRS OF TICKETS to see Traces! Just fill out the form below for a chance to win – we have one pair of tickets for each of the following shows: 12/6, 12/7 and 12/8. Winners will be announced on Friday December 2 at 2pm. Good luck!
(contest closed)
Congratulations to our following winners!
Amy Forsthoefel
Trang Lickliter
Sarah Muench
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