Team Box members Megan Cooper and Adrienne Neiss

Team Climbers captured the costume bonus points!
Friday night 14 teams of four were pioneers in an Urban Excursion. Signing up without much more than a limited description of a hybrid Amazing Race/Scavenger hunt, these teams were up for the challenge. Meeting at Wiley’s Comedy Club, getting brief instructions and then the whistle blew, they were handed their playbook with 12 clues to unknown destinations. Teams began running around downtown. Once they reached the location they had a chance to get bonus points, by singing songs, forming human pyramids, playing air guitar or creating a team self portrait. Teams had a 90 minute time limit to solve the clues, including a 5 minute required pit stop for pizza (donated by The Pizza Factory) and document their bonus points with photo’s or video’s. Winning the challenge, Team Box collected every point except for the bonus for team costume, which was picked up by 2nd place Team Climbers, who came in full regalia including miner’s lights and ropes. Team Fairborn represented the suburbs with it’s third place finish.
Excursioner Rebecca Hartzell of South Park commented, “I would do it again. My whole team had a lot of fun.” Days later we’re still getting emails, texts and facebook posts from people thanking us for a good time.
For those of you who didn’t get to play with us this past Friday, here’s your chance to play along from your computer. Here are the clues- send us the answers and we’ll enter all those with winning answers in a drawing for Dayton Originals t-shirts.
The Clues:
1. It’s a garden, it’s a gallery and the Circus plays here; look for the arch near the overpass and you’ll know you are near.
2. I’m short and stout, have a handle and a spout. I’m east of Wayne, west of London. Find me while you’re out and about.
3. Once a bank, a decade empty, now it’s a Space for creativity.
4. It’s really not muddy between naughty and nice; no drugs or alcohol- music is their vice.
5. Just south of the river on a street named for Thomas, look fro a building with orange that is a place for artists.
6. A one hundred year old watering hole.
7.To “C” my FACE, you’ll find my cool lighted entrance behind the “Space”
8. Only two of these in the world are found in churches
9. Grassroots vision of a greater Dayton hidden in a former Gem
10. This venue sells more Jameson than any other location in the state of Ohio
11. It the Wright place for arrivals and departures.
12. You’ll have reached your goal when you arrive at the Creative Soul.
Email your answers to [email protected] with Excursion in the subject line!
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