(From Lisa Helm of Garden Station)
Today is the last day of a three-day fund raising campaign on Groupon for Garden Station, a local community garden and art park.
Groupon generally does online coupons for goods or services using the “collective action” model, which means that a minimum number of people need to pledge to buy the deal, before the deal is good. This minimum is called the “Tipping Point”. This also applies for G-Team fund raising campaigns on Groupon. Garden Station needed a minimum of 32 donations to “tip” the deal and release 100% of the donations to Garden Station. That minimum is actually just over 20% of the total amount needed to complete the project goal of 9 accessible garden beds.
Garden Station is an all volunteer organization that in the past 3 years has completely changed the corner of 4th and Wayne in downtown Dayton. For the 50 years previous to that, the area was overgrown and trash filled and regularly a camping spot for homeless.
Since then, hundreds of volunteers and over 50 businesses and local organizations have participated in the creation of Garden Station and it has become one of the most unique attractions and venues in the area.
Because the project is all volunteer, your donations go a long way. For example the new entryway that is currently under construction originally had bids between $5000-$9000 just for the block and concrete work and since organizers at Garden Station were able to solicit volunteers and donations for most of that, the entire finished project, including landscaping and mosaic work will end up being less that $2000 in material costs only.
That being said this Groupon fund raising campaign is not “extra” to their budget. It IS their budget! Without donations and volunteers from the community Garden Station would never happen!
There are just a few more building projects planned, including a stage and a buffet area to support the increasing number of potlucks and receptions there. Once those projects are finished, Garden Station organizers anticipate being able to cover all their own regular expenses.
This campaign is a win-win for everyone. The community will have an asset for years to come that is truly built FOR the community BY the community.
For more information about Garden Station please visit their Facebook page or call 937-610-3845.
You have until midnight tonight to donate at http://www.groupon.com/deals/gt-garden-station
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