It’s a 4th of July Holiday tradition in the Miami Valley, a 3 day world music festival and it need
s our help. With less than 3 weeks to go there are literally hundreds of volunteer positions that haven’t been filled for this years Cityfolk Festival, July 2- 4 at RiverScape. Having volunteered for the last few years, I can tell you it’s a great way to see the festival. Last year I worked with some great friends serving up brewski’s just outside the main stage. Our crew was dancing, laughing and having a great time. The three hour shift just flew by. That’s Deb Norris, John North and Arundi Venkayya Cox pictured on the right there midway through our shift! Looks like fun, huh?
Operations, logistics, the merchandise stand, artist hospitality and pop and water sales also need volunteers. So grab your friends, sign up online (you’ll get a groovy free t-shirt for your time). The folks that work at Cityfolk bust their tails all year round to pull off this amazing array of international music, dancing, crafts and more that is perfect family entertainment. Aside from sponsorships, the beer and beverage sales from this weekend fund the year round operations for Cityfolk.
If you’ve ever been to the festival and enjoyed-I implore you to give just 3 hours of your time to make this the best fest ever! I’ll be on Beer Crews Friday and Saturday, come join the fun!
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