In 1997 poet and novelist George Dawes Green, wanted to recreate the feeling of sultry summer evenings in his native Georgia, when moths were attracted to the light on the porch, where he and his friends would gather to spin spellbinding tales. That was the beginning of the New York City based storytelling art that is known as The Moth. It became a weekly podcast and in 2009 launched a national public radio show, The Moth Radio Hour. You can hear this show on WYSO Saturday’s at 2pm and Wednesday at 11pm.
Inspired by The Moth, Daytonian Shelly Hulce launched a story slam about a dozen years ago. The premise was simple. People sharing true stories, in person, unscripted and live. For more than a decade a small group of storytellers have been meeting in coffee shops, libraries and bars in and around Dayton. In time the events faded away. In 2016 Kettering storyteller Bryan Suddith went to Louisville to tell his story and and was selected that nights Story Slam winner. He knew he needed to re-launch story slam in Dayton. So in the fall of 2016 Shelly and Brian teamed up and began hosting a local storytelling open mic night at Wiley’s Comedy Club on the third Tuesday of each month.
Now getting ready to kick off their 3rd season, they hosted a workshop last month to encourage new story tellers and over 25 people showed up eager to get tips to become better storytellers. The biggest pointers included making sure the story has a beginning, middle and an ending and crafting a hook to grab the audiences attention. The first Dayton Story Slam of the season begins Tues, Sept 18th at 7pm and admission is just $5. Interested story tellers can throw their name in the hat and 10 lucky tellers will be drawn to share their starting over/second chances themed tale and one will be voted the winner, leaving with a $50 cash prize.

Bryan Suddith and Bridget Flaherty
For those that want a more structured learning environment, Bridget Flaherty, a multiple Story Slam Winner here in Dayton, with a few Moth wins under her belt as well, is launching a 4 week storytelling class.
LORE , beginning Monday, Sept 10th. will help you learn the fundamentals of storytelling and craft a short story of your own. The $149 ticket price includes four classes, each class will be 90 minutes and on Oct 3rd there will be a graduation show (which is optional for participants) at The Brightside Music & Event venue.
If you prefer one on one coaching, LORE offers that as well. Whether you are seeking to drive your company’s culture, enhance a marketing campaign, or craft a personal story presentation, Bridget can help you craft your story.