Paying less for your electric supply is great. Getting it for free is even better.
Duke Energy Retail – a lower-cost, market-priced electricity supplier in the Greater Dayton area – knows how high electric costs can be. To provide relief to four lucky Ohio residents, Duke Energy Retail is launching a new sweepstakes to give away free electricity for a year (a $2,000 value). One winner will be named each season – winter, spring, summer and fall.
“In addition to the sweepstakes, we can help folks in the Dayton area save as much as $250 per year on supply portion of their electric bills just by chosing an alternate electric supplier,” said Duke Energy Retail Manager Kim Vogelgesang. “Paying less for your electric supply is a great thing, and the only thing that could be even better is getting it free for an entire year.”
To enter the sweepstakes, simply visit www.WinFreeEnergy.com, enter information and click on the link in a confirmation email. Up to 10 additional entries can be earned by sharing contest information with friends and family. Entrants will remain eligible for each drawing without the need to reenter each season.
The first winner will be chosen on March 25. Other drawings will take place on June 23, September 24 and December 15. Winners will be notified by email. All Ohio residents who are customers of one of the state’s investor-owned utilities are eligible for the sweepstakes – and do not need to be a Duke Energy Retail customer. For complete rules and details about Duke Energy Retail’s Win Free Energy For A Year Sweepstakes, visit www.WinFreeEnergy.com. The sweepstakes relates to the electric supply portion of the utility bill, not to the delivery charges of the local utility.
About Duke Energy Retail
Duke Energy Retail provides lower-cost, market-priced electricity to businesses, non-profit organizations and residential customers throughout Ohio. Duke Energy Retail Sales, LLC is a Certified Retail Supplier of electricity and natural gas and an affiliate of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Learn more at www.DukeEnergyRetail.com