Cremation is being chosen over casket burial at an increasing rate, yet once the cremation is completed, many wonder what to do next. As many as 1 in 5 households have cremated remains of a loved one. Often times they have been placed on a mantel, in a closet or the bottom of a drawer and left forgotten until stumbled upon.
Woodland Cemetery understands the struggles a family goes through at the time of losing a loved one. Decisions need to be made and often times the cost can be as difficult as the loss of the loved one.
A Day of Final Tribute was created as a community service event to provide a final resting place for the cremated remains of your loved one in our Communal Memorial Garden. The program is open to the first 50 responders with cremated remains of an immediate family member. An appointment is required to meet with a Family Services team member at Woodland Cemetery on September 14th to submit required paperwork and make final arrangements.
Interments in our Communal Memorial Garden will take place at a later date and time. All religious denominations and faiths are welcome. This event is available to immediate family members only.
“We want families to know that once a cremation has been completed that there are options for a lasting tribute to their loved one’s memory,” stated Sean O’Regan of Woodland Cemetery. “This offers a permanent place of rest for the deceased and peace of mind for the surviving family.”
To register for this event, please go to http://bit.ly/WoodlandTribute and provide the requested information. A Family Service Representative will contact you directly to schedule your appointment. For more information or questions, please contact Angela McCracken at 937-228-3221. Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum is located at 118 Woodland Avenue in Dayton.