In the world of running, competing in a 5K race, so named because it’s 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) long, is a favorite goal among fledgling runners because the distance is short enough that even beginners can build up enough stamina, strength, and skill to be ready to compete in a few months. Many runners consider a good finishing time for a 5K to be anything under 25 minutes. To manage that would mean running at a pace of around 8 minutes per mile, which would mean finishing in 24 minutes, 51 seconds (24:51). For comparison, a person running at a pace of 10 minutes/mile would finish a 5K in 31:04, while someone moving at a pace of 12 minutes/mile would finish in 37:17. If it took you 17 minutes 27 seconds to go one mile, your predicted 5K finishing time would be 58 minutes and 2 seconds. Whether you’re already a runner or new to the game, training for a 5K is definitely something you can do. Pick a race and get registered, start a training plan, and get yourself ready for race day.
Check out these upcoming races this month, or plan ahead for other upcoming running events.