As Dayton continues its incredible resurgence, it’s apparent no dog will be left behind. A new dog park, more on the multi-use front, is coming to Steve Whalen Boulevard and Wyoming Street. 21,000 sq. feet await your mutt in this expanse. ‘Right now it’s one big space that we are using to design this great neighborhood amenity.’ says Mike Schommer, Walnut Hills Neighborhood President.
‘With Wagtown Trails, who will incorporate three trail heads in the park, we have room for a great addition to the area.’
The plan started in 2017, when Schommer met with Mayor Whaley and pitched the idea. ‘We spoke about creating a healthy community, and realized we had bike paths, and we weren’t living in a food desert. What we didn’t have was a multi-use park area, especially one for the pets.’
Beth Miller, who has put Dayton on the map when it comes to dog-friendly, adds, ‘What has been evolving in our community is the use of parks for our canine friends. When this project moves forward (Find more info here) it will become part of the bigger picture in Dayton. That vision includes the use of sponsors, artists and community members as part of what’s available in our area for pet owners and lovers. We have a QR system now that can be used to enlighten folks on what’s available today, and updates for the future.’
It takes a village for sure, in these types of endeavors. ‘There is no way a neighborhood can do this alone. Linden Heights neighborhood got on-board which propelled the project forward. When you get the City, the neighborhoods and the grassroots people invested, it makes a big difference.’ says Schommer.
Schommer is a Get-It-Done leader. Along with his team at Walnut Hills, and hand-in-hand with Linden Heights, they see momentum for their future projects.
‘This model, which is based on best practices, will be an easy-to-repeat concept for other neighborhoods looking to improve their community’s health and well-being. I owe a lot to Aaron Glett, Walnut Hills Secretary; Robert Harrison from Community Health, and Mary Loper & Carl Leifbacher of Linden Heights. This was a community effort for sure,’ says Schomer!
The park is unique for a Dayton area dog park as it has large, mature trees, is easily visible and can accommodate a large number of pets. The park, which is recognized by the City of Dayton, will actually have a trail lead that takes dog-parents to Cleveland Park, which also has a wooded space and beautiful vistas.
‘It really comes down to time and energy. Walnut Hills and Linden Heights are opening an opportunity for the entire Dayton Community. Seeing the revitalization of these parks for our animal friends is quite inspiring.’ Says Miller.
And Stay tuned, canine lovers. There is more in Dayton’s future for the dog lover, as Wagtown continues to grow in the city.
For more Info on Wagtown
For more info on Walnut Hills Neighborhood
For more Info on Linden Heights Neighborhood