“I know talent when I see it. You either have it or you don’t. It’s that simple.” Those are the words of MTV’s Made coach, runway coach extraordinaire and Executive Producer of Dayton Fashion Week Kyle Haggerty—and on February 25, 2012 you will get your chance to prove if you have what it takes to rip the runway at the official Casting Call for DFW! It will take place at De’Lish Cafe –located at 139 N. Main Street in Downtown Dayton from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Models must arrive by 10:00 a.m. and have two recent photos; one full body shot and one head shot with your measurements and contact information on the back of each. Models with previous experience should bring your current portfolio.
Female models must be at least 5’8 without heels and wear a women’s size 0-4. Male models must be at least 5’10 and wear a suite size 40-44. Few exceptions will be made. Models must be at least 15 years of age–participants under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian present–Mature models are welcomed. If you don’t fit into the height and size restrictions fret not because you still have two other opportunities to participate in DFW via the Dayton Fashion Week Magazine Cover Model Search and you can audition to be one of the local hosts to cover DFW for Inside Couture Television which airs in Miami Florida for NBC affiliate Channel 6. Information regarding these two casting calls will be announced at a later date.
If you’re wondering what to expect during this casting call, it’s simple–for starters, you will be auditioning in front of me, along with the CEO and Founder of Dayton Fashion Week Junda Morris-Kennedy, the Director of Makeup Angelica Ross, and there may be a surprise judge in the building (but you didn’t hear that from me). Be prepared to walk the runway and answer a few questions about yourself. Our job is to pick the best models and send their information to the designers who will make the final decision on who gets to walk for them.
As far as preparation for casting calls is concerned, I can honestly say that in my 20 years in the industry I’ve seen it all and I’ve made a lot of mistakes in preparing for them. However, I’ve learned from my mistakes and I’m going to share a few pointers with you so that you will arrive ready to shine!
Tip #1 Your Pictures
I CAN NOT EMPHASIS THIS ENOUGH–PROFESSIONAL PICTURES ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS CASTING CALL–or any casting calls for that matter! Your pictures should be simple–ladies you should be wearing little to no makeup, your hair should be pulled back. Men you should be clean shaven.
Your head shot should be a close up photo of your face. Smiling is optional but if you choose not to smile in your photo please take the advice of Tyra and smile with your eyes–we don’t want to see any mug shots! This pic should also be taken with you looking straight into the camera.
The full body shot should include a head to toe view of you. Do not go out and buy a new outfit–your clothing should be simple no logos, bright colors, or wild and crazy prints; this applies to both male and female models. Your outfit should be fitted but flattering to your body type. Shoes are optional. You should be standing. Its ok to be a little creative for this shot; by this I mean you can have your hands to your side, one or both hands on your hips, you can tilt your head for a profile shot of your face, and etc…but no over the top posing. The same rules for your appearance in your photos should be applied during the casting call as well.
Tip #2 Be Prepared To Stand
Ladies please BRING a pair of 3” heels to walk in—emphasis on BRING! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shown up to casting calls or Go-See’s wearing heels and ended up having to stand for hours. By the time it was my turn to be seen by the casting agent—I could barely walk and let me tell you– hobbling down the runway with a grimaced look on your face is not a good look on anyone and it’s not going to land you any jobs! So it’s ok to arrive in some flat comfortable shoes. If you’ve never worn heels before practice makes perfect–start practicing your catwalk in the shoes that you plan on wearing for the casting call now. Guys, you have no clue just how good you have it; the only thing that we ask of you is to not wear gym shoes when it’s your turn to walk!
Tip #3 Diva’s and Divo’s Need Not Apply
Attractive and talented models get turned down for jobs every day because they have poor attitudes or they’re not coachable. I’ve attended casting calls where the client or casting agent was right in the waiting room with the other models and never said a word to anyone about whom they were; they mingled, sat back and observed. Sadly, I’ve seen some models be really rude and unaware of whom they were speaking too–needless to say they weren’t cast. Please don’t be this person!
Tip #4 Be Yourself
We can tell the real from the fake–and we want to see your real personality. You might not be right for the runway but you never know what opportunities may come your way as a result of this casting call. Finally, don’t worry about the next person, February 25, 2012 is all about you and we can’t wait to meet you! If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].
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