Buttery Popcorn from Rave Cinemas
A night at the movies can become a Food Adventure. Envision your buttery fingers reaching again and again into a bag of addicting theater popcorn. They charge outrageous prices for it, yet still will buy it. The Big Ragu and Crew took a moment from munching on kernels and reaching for the giant soft drink, to ask : “Why is movie theater popcorn so good?”
We never do things half-baked, so we scoured the 4 major cinemas in the Dayton area to get to the bottom of this mystery. Our investigation took us to the popcorn making experts at The Neon Movies, Danbarry Dollar Saver, Regal Cinemas and Rave Cinemas. Our findings lead us to some differing opinions.
Let’s start with a local icon, The Neon Movies’ explanation of why their popcorn is so good. They say the secret is in the canola oil. Popping in canola oil allows for a clean taste and it is a healthier alternative to other oils. Also, The Neon Movies pops their popcorn right before showtimes. They feel this gives them a freshness advantage over other theaters and produces a tastier treat. The prices are cheaper too ! The popcorn here is delicious, and served in round cups or buckets. There is more here than just popcorn. This Food Adventure minded theater, also serves beer, Esther Price chocolates, and specialty coffees. If you have not visited the locally owned Neon Movies, get downtown to the corner of 5th and Stone streets, grab some corn and watch an award-winning movie.

Neon Movies Food Adventure
Danbarry Cinemas also pops their popcorn in canola oil. But Danbarry’s management feels the secret is in the buttery topping. The staff uses these buttery topping machines to shower a glistening coating onto moviegoers’ popcorn. Definitely something you don’t have at home. This dollar saver theater near the Dayton Mall has great popcorn and even better movie prices. Their “Bargain Tuesdays” offer tickets at the insane low price of $1.75. Any other day, admission is $3. Sure the movies are a few weeks old, but what a deal! Also, don’t forget to take advantage of free refills of any large popcorn or soft drink.
Regal Cinemas had another take on the mystery. Their local management said the secret is the use of coconut/canola popping oil. No other cinemas use this combination. They claim this mix of oil gives a base flavor that is unmatched anywhere else. They also say their particular brand of buttery topping is key. It is different from anything one would use at home or in any other cinema for that matter. Regal’s employees also felt the “butter salt” adds a great finish to the masterpiece in a bag. These cinemas, located near the Fairfield Commons Mall, feature tiered stadium seating in a 20 theater complex. What a great way to enjoy a huge bag of popped goodness. Again, go large and get free refills!
Rave Cinemas on Mall Woods Drive and at The Greene would tell you the secret is how they cook the popcorn. Rave actually cooks their popcorn in an oil and butter salt mixture. This unique method is what they claim gives their popcorn a tremendous flavor. The reasoning is, that by adding the buttery salt to the oil before popping, the seasoning ends up perfect. so at Rave, it is all in the preparation. Rave is yet another cinema that offers free refills for any large popcorn or large drink purchase. So make sure you share as it helps keep the cost down. Also worth mentioning is the “self serve” flavored salt station. There is also a “self serve” buttery topping machine at Rave Cinemas. The Big Ragu practically uses this as a drinking fountain.

The Big Ragu abusing the self serve butter machine
In conclusion, we were surprised to find that the secret is not the type of popcorn cinemas use. We were also surprised that the secret is not the popping machine itself. Why does movie theater popcorn taste so good? It seems the style of preparation, particularly oil and seasonings is the answer to this mystery. Each theater not only had an answer for why theater popcorn was so good, but they also answered why their particular product was better than other cinemas. So next time you you are at a movie, grabbing a handful of buttery popcorn dashed with salt, share the mystery with your seated friend. Smile as you reach for a swig of soda to wash it all down. You may not know the ending of the movie, but you know the origins of that great popcorn taste.
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It’s not how they pop it or what they pop it in or the toppings.
What popcorn kernals do they use? Tell me that.