Do you know (or are you) a high-school or middle-school student (grades 8-12) interested in film? Check out the Sundog 9 Film Festival and submit your short film for consideration at this great contest! Students submit films, get together for a public adjudication where everyone learns a little something, and enjoy the premier where all films are viewed on the big screen. It’s a great opportunity to meet other aspiring student filmmakers and have a lot of fun.
From the Sundog Programmers:
High school and middle school students, grades 8-12, are invited to create and submit short films to the Sundog 9 Film Festival, premiering Sat. May 12th from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the Little Art Theatre (in downtown Yellow Springs). Schools in the Greater Dayton-Columbus-Cincinnati areas compete in this regional event, where approximately $1500 in cash and prizes will be awarded in a variety of film genres which may include narrative, experimental, documentary, animation, public service announcement, self-portrait, and music video. In addition, shout-outs for best cinematography, special effects, screen writing, etc. may be given as deemed by the judges. Sundog mascot, Moxy, will also be there to greet the audience and to present a special award for the best entry with a dog theme. The event is open to the public and admission is free. Entry deadline is 5:00 p.m., Tues. April 24th. Submissions may be delivered or mailed to: Sundog 9 Film Festival, c/o Yellow Springs HS, 420 E. Enon Rd., Yellow Springs, OH. 45387. There is a fee of $3 for each entry.
Students and their teachers are also invited to attend the open adjudication, Friday, April 27th, 9:00 a.m. at Fairmont High School, (3301 Shroyer Rd., Kettering, OH. 45429) in the Recital Hall, where a panel of media professionals will screen entries and offer constructive criticism to young filmmakers. Lunch will be provided by festival sponsors.
Sundog Film Festival originated in Yellow Springs in 2003 and is funded by the generosity of downtown businesses and caring individuals. Ongoing support from YS Arts Council and partnership with FilmDayton have allowed this event to receive greater exposure while continuing to achieving its primary goal of “raising the bar for media arts education.”
Sponsors are needed and any donations of cash, gift cards, or merchandise to use for prizes will be greatly appreciated. Sponsors will be listed in all promotional materials, including programs and will receive a keepsake poster to hang in their store. Please contact festival director Melina Elum at for more information.
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