“Packed.” “Amazing.” “So Good To See Everyone Out and About!” “Incredible!” You’ve been hearing the accolades all week about ‘Hamilton!…but these remarks are from the business owners in the Dayton Area!
‘Hamilton’ is in town, and along with it comes a revived atmosphere in restaurants, bars and businesses in the downtown area. It has been a blessing for sure. The show, on it’s own, ground-breaking, eye-opening and pleasing to the throngs, carries with it large, sold-out crowds that rediscover out little city…lying in wait after a long 2 years!
To double-down, it was also restaurant week, which pushed some Daytonians to reach out to RESY and OPEN TABLE, something people haven’t relied on in months. And it’s a great problem to have.
Interestingly, the success of ‘Hamilton’ on Broadway lacks by comparison to the ‘Hamilton’ traveling the country! “One of the two touring productions of ‘Hamilton’ made $3,967,400 over its final eight performances in Pittsburgh. It made $4,309,027 during the previous week, which is more money than the record-breaking show has ever made during a week on Broadway.” reported M. Hershberg for Forbes magazine in ’19.
Dayton is no exception as people scramble to find a ticket or two to the show.
What’s more exciting is what it does for season ticket sales for local theaters like Dayton Live. With ‘Hamilton’ in-tow, season tickets sales can go 5% t0 30% higher….a true boon for theaters.
And, all that being said…it’ just great theater! What we can learn about Democracy, and how ‘diametric’ly opposed, foes’ can look beyond what divides us and find compromise and kindness.
Dinner, theater, life lessons and a city so excited to welcome back its life-blood….sounds like ‘Hamilton’ is just what we needed!
Hamilton is playing at the Mead Theater in the Schuster Performing Arts Center, 1 West 2nd St, Dayton.
For more info visit: https://www.daytonlive.org/