In August, Atalie Gagnet, Tiffany Clark and Zack Sliver began working on a collaborative project to create a memorial for the Dayton community after a mass shooting in the Oregon District. From fundraising for the project, creating the concept and design, and getting permits, this small group of three took on the might task of creating this art piece.
According to Atalie, “the floral theme represents those who lost their lives and those affected and the concept came from John Legend performing at Blind Bob’s Bar to lift the community- covering Marvin Gaye’s, What’s Going On.” She’s also quick to thank their assistants, Cheyanne Lumpkin and Leslea Hipp for their hard work and the Mendenhall Family for their hospitality and perfect wall, the community donors and Bryan Devilbiss at Vandalia Rental and Sherwin Williams for their donations.
Zack Sliver expressed his thought , “Thank you to Dayton for your continued strength. We don’t “Got to Find a Way,” we already know how to “Bring Some Lovin’ Here Today. Let us not forget who we lost and always to look for the light in the darkness.”
Gaye’s introspective lyrics explore themes of drug abuse, poverty, and the Vietnam War. He has also been credited with promoting awareness of ecological issues before the public outcry over them had become prominent.”
Written by Renaldo “Obie” Benson of the Four Tops Benson said, ‘My partners told me it was a protest song. I said ‘no man, it’s a love song, about love and understanding. I’m not protesting. I want to know what’s going on.'”
All photographed captured by Jordan Lynn Freshour.