This year’s Tribeca Film Festival will close on June 19th with a still untitled documentary directed and produced by Academy Award winning Yellow Springs filmmakers Julia Reichert and Steven Bognar. The documentary, making its world premiere, portrays the challenges facing a rural village in Ohio during the early days of the pandemic. It captures the emotional period of the Black Lives Matter movement and the remarkable leadership of the town’s youth who started weekly marches and rallies in comedian Dave Chappelle’s home town of Yellow Springs.
“Dave is our neighbor. We see him in the grocery store, and on the street. When Dave came to us with the idea, we were immediately struck by the challenge to tell the story of our part of the world during the pandemic and the national reckoning on racial injustice,” said Reichert. “This was a historic moment and we really wanted to chronicle this place and this time, it just felt right.”
“Dave and his friends entrusted our team of amazing young filmmakers from Ohio with intimate moments which enabled us to create a moving portrait of artists’ as they navigated a time of fear and isolation,” said Bognar.