For the second year in a row, Miami Valley Meals (MVM) will host a Turkey Takeaway Event for those in need across the Miami Valley. The event is being held this year with support from presenting sponsor, the Feast of Giving.
The Feast of Giving is an annual Dayton Holiday tradition providing Thanksgiving fare and festive fellowship. This community affair has served over 7,000 guests per year since 2009 and was most recently enjoyed in the Dayton Convention Center in 2019. The event was cancelled last year due to COVID-19 and the ongoing pandemic is forcing the event not to be held this year.
Although Daytonians will not be able to gather together for the Feast of Giving this year, the organization is supportive of MVM’s efforts to ensure all have a meal to enjoy this holiday.
Dr. Stephen Levitt, team member of the Feast of Giving, had this to say,
“The Feast of Giving is both excited and honored to support Miami Valley Meals in sharing a common goal of providing Thanksgiving meals to those who want and need them in our community. These meals are prepared, provided and served with dignity.”
Dr. Levitt goes on to say, “Although this is not our traditional event at the Dayton Convention Center, it provides an excellent Thanksgiving meal during difficult times. We are most grateful to Miami Valley Meals and their staff for making this possible. The Feast of Giving wishes everyone a happy and healthy holiday.”
In 2020, MVM distributed 10,000 frozen Thanksgiving meals at two sites along with increased service through their regular partners. This year, the goal is to distribute 15,000 meals.

MVM meals
Distributions this year will again take place the day before Thanksgiving, Wednesday, November 24, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Trotwood-Madison High School and The University of Dayton Arena. Guests are to stay in their vehicles, follow signage for the drive-through, and meals will be placed in their vehicles. Masks are required. This is a first come, first served event.
In addition, MVM has partnered with the Dayton Young Black Professionals to add two smaller satellite locations in West Dayton at the Omega Baptist Church and the Dayton Boys & Girls Club. Distributions at these satellite locations will be from 12 p.m to 3 p.m.
Formerly working out of gracious host kitchens at House of Bread, the Life Enrichment Center and Lindy’s at Daybreak, MVM is now housed under one roof with its own kitchen. Miami Valley Meals is a partner agency of The Foodbank who will support this event with ingredient sourcing, temporary storage and trucks on the day of the event. MVM also reconnected with its former production partner, Lindy’s at Daybreak, to provide dessert for this year’s meals.
“The Turkey Takeaway event is made possible by tremendous community partnership, a supportive board and a hard-working team. We are all working towards the same goal — to provide a sense of normalcy, warmth and respite from difficult situations,” said MVM Executive Director, Amanda DeLotelle. “If you are struggling, we hope that the meal we provide makes your Thanksgiving a bit easier and brighter.”
Volunteer opportunities will be announced later this month on MVM’s website ( and its social media channels (@MiamiValleyMeals on Facebook and Instagram).