Joel Sartore (photo credit: we’re assuming not Joel Sartore)
“The road was so rough that in two hours I couldn’t read the driver’s wristwatch, and I was sitting right next to him…Eventually a part vibrates off the engine. To my surprise, it turns out that I’m going to be the mechanic. I use my Swiss Army knife to get us going again, but not before my guide yells, ‘Bees!’”—Joel Sartore
Joel Sartore has quite the interesting job – he has been a wild life photographer for over 20 years, working on every continent on earth and in the world’s most challenging environments where he has been chased by wolves, grizzlies, lions, elephants and other wildlife. Joel started with NatGeo doing nature photography which allowed him to see the effects humans have on the environment first-hand, and to this day he continues his mission to document endangered species and landscapes in order to show a world worth saving.
In his words, “It is folly to think that we can destroy one species and ecosystem after another and not affect humanity. When we save species, we’re actually saving ourselves.”
Joel has written several books including RARE: Portraits of America’s Endangered Species,Photographing Your Family, Nebraska: Under a Big Red Sky and Let’s Be Reasonable. He has contributed to Audubon Magazine, Geo, Time, Life, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated and numerous book projects. Joel and his work have been the subjects of several national broadcasts including National Geographic’s Explorer, the NBC Nightly News, NPR’s Weekend Edition and an hour-long PBS documentary, At Close Range. He is also a contributor on the CBS Sunday Morning Show with Charles Osgood.
On Monday February 11th at the Victoria Theatre, YOU can experience what it’s like to be on assignment for the world’s greatest magazine in some of Earth’s most amazing places as Joel shares a lively, intimate, and humorous look at what could be the best—and worst—job in the world as an expedition leader, psychologist, medic, accountant, and coach, as well as photographer. This show is presented by the Victoria Theatre Association in partnership with Five Rivers MetroParks. Show and ticket info can be seen at VictoriaTheatre.com.
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