Somehow, Christmas is only two days from today. Wow. It’s hard to decide what my favorite parts of the holidays would be, but if I had to choose, I think I might say:
1. Christmas Cookies – and, especially, buckeyes! We have an amazing buckeye recipe that is neither too peanut buttery and sticky nor too dry, and whenever we make any, they disappear almost instantly.
2. Family and Friends – yes, I have the same family and friends the other 364 days of the year, too. But, I love that the holidays provide a great opportunity to have people over and spend time with those I love. It’s easy to miss people not there more than usual on the holidays, especially the people I wish could be there to celebrate with us. but that only seems to make the time I can spend with people even more precious.
3. Holiday music and movies – I mean, it wouldn’t be a holiday without something artistic, right? My sister and I watch a musical version of “A Christmas Carol” every year, and a few days ago, I curled up with coffee and a blanket to watch “White Christmas.” I’m rarely in the mood for Christmas until I’ve watched at least one great holiday movie.
It seems like those highlights are at the top lists of many others, too. Speaking of all of those things (food, fellowship, and… films!), it’s not too late to catch this production that’s closing soon…
White Christmas
The Story: In the stage adaptation of the classic 1954 film, two WWII veterans, now successful song-and-dance performers, follow a duo of singing sisters en route to their Christmas show in Vermont, hoping for romance. But the 80 degree weather has everyone dreaming of a white Christmas! Enjoy great dinner and the show.
Dates: through December 31, 2010
Tickets and More Information: La Comedia: White Christmas , DMM event
Instead of just watching a holiday movie this year, go with your family to see a show – you could even consider starting a new tradition of doing so. I hope you all enjoy the next couple of weeks, and take the opportunity to let those around you know you love them. The 2011 year already promises to be a busy one in Dayton area theatre, so make sure to keep following onStageDayton at for all your theatre news and reviews.
Happy holidays!
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