Looking for a fresh way to support local businesses and meet new people at the same time? Be a part of Dayton’s first ever Cash Mob this Saturday, March 24th in the Oregon District! Show up at 521 E. Fifth Street at 5:00 PM and be ready to spend up to $20 at a nearby locally-owned retail shop! Afterward, Cash Mobbers are invited to show off their new purchases at Lucky’s Taproom! Mobbers will receive 20% off food and $1 off draft beers at Lucky’s.
What is a Cash Mob?
Cash Mobs create quick economic stimulus for local shop owners. They are similar to flash mobs but instead of dancing, you spend a few bucks supporting home-grown retailers and socialize afterward at a local watering hole (where some celebratory dancing may still occur). These events were started in Cleveland in 2011 and have since been held all over the world. Every Cash Mob shares the goal of supporting local businesses. March 24,2012 is the inaugural International Cash Mob Day and Dayton’s Cash Mob will be one of over 200 other mobs happening this Saturday. For more information on Cash Mobs, go to: www.cashmobs.wordpress.com
What can I buy at the Dayton Cash Mob?
To find out what retail shops are participating, you’ll just have to show up at 521 E. Fifth Street at 5 pm. Rest assured, you will be able to find whatever you are looking for and probably something you’re not, too! Products that will be available for purchase include: new and vintage clothing; original artwork; posters; jewelry; new and used books, music, and movies; new and vintage housewares; posters; specialty food items; unique gifts and accessories; bags, t-shirts, scarfs, bandanas, and more!
The first 25 Cash Mobbers will receive a free t-shirt from MerchFITS. There will also be other free swag from participating retailers and MerchFITS. All participants will receive 20% off food and $1 off draft beers at Lucky’s.
How can I find more information?
Follow the Cash Mob on Twitter @CMDaytonOH and RSVP to the Facebook event. If you can’t make it but still want to support the event, retweet us to all your friends and share our Facebook event!
For more information, contact BAM! at [email protected]. The first ever Dayton Cash Mob is presented by BAM! Find more info on this new artist collective in Dayton at www.bamdayton.blogspot.com
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