This Monday finds many of us mourning the loss of Barry Hobart aka Dr. Creep, who passed away on Friday. For more on Dr. Creep’s legacy on local television, I highly recommend J.T.Ryder’s article, Brilliance on the Edge of Night here on Dayton MostMetro. We’re in the process of putting together a tribute show in Dr. Creep’s honor for this week’s Kaleidoscope on WYSO. I’ll pass along more details about that tomorrow here on Dayton MostMetro.
In addition to horror films and hilarious mayhem, Dr. Creep would feature musical guests on his show from time to time. During the New Shock Theatre years, he even recorded an album with the Lawn Jockeys called The Amazing Sounds of Shock Theatre. Today’s music video is a classic episode of the original Shock Theatre series featuring a musical perform by New York band, the Freelance Vandals at the fictional “Famous Les Fern Dance Studio.”
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