Time: 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Location: iCode Centerville, Cross Pointe Center
Regular Pricing: $50 per child
By Lisa Grigsby
Recently a team of Centerville middle schoolers advanced to the Global Finals competition for Destination Imagination, where they will present their service learning challenge to teams from over 40 other states and up to 20 countries. This team helped the Centerville Washington Park District with the issue of non-native invasive plants by clearing an area by Holes Creek in Grant Park.
The influx of honeysuckle in the area had been harming the ecology of the area, and without proper precautions, honeysuckle can always come back — just like zombies! It costs $5500 to send a team to Global Finals (not counting transportation, food or lodging!) and so Robert Benson, of Centerville Pizza, has offered a fundraiser for the month of May to support this team of sixth graders!
Order one of Centerville Pizza’s award winning ZOMBIE PIZZAS in the month of May, and 25% of the sale price will be given to the Destination Imagination team! Help this team get to Kansas City by supporting this fundraiser in the month of May, because just like honeysuckle – zombies come back!