Mike Elsass has started his outdoor painting season in a lot next to The Front Street Building Co., but when I caught up with him all he wanted to talk about was last year’s outdoor painting.
“Last year I painted once a week in the parking lot of the Life Enrichment Center,” Mike told me. “They are a faith-based organization that helps all kinds of people in this area. The building is at 425 Findlay Street, next to a large metal recycling center, which seemed like the right place for an artist like me who paints on weathered steel.”
“A group going through a sobriety program painted with me. They were working to reclaim their lives, so I tried to use as many reclaimed materials in the art as possible – like used sandpaper and steel shavings. Then I invited others to join us. We had civic leaders, other artists, and even my grandchildren grab a brush and make art that now hangs in the LEC conference room.”
“Some of that art will be on display, and for sale on May 10 at Infiniti of Dayton (299 Loop Road) from 5 to 8 pm. The money raised goes to LEC and three other great local organizations – Good Shepherd Ministries, United Rehabilitation Services and the Therapeutic Riding Institute.”
Mike told me he’s planning a larger effort at LEC this year. If you have any paint you don’t need, he’d love to have it. You could drop it off at the Life Enrichment Center parking lot any week day between 9 and 5. Just leave it by the yellow truck behind the building. If that doesn’t work, just message Mike’s facebook page and he’ll arrange a way to get it.