“it can be interesting to see if other people – like dead people who wrote books – agree or disagree with what you think… because it makes you – a larger part of the human community.” – Eurydice
I’m currently in the midst of rehearsing to play Eurydice in Sarah Ruhl’s beautiful play of the same title. When asked why she loves books, Eurydice says, “It can be interesting to see if other people – like dead people who wrote books – agree or disagree with what you think… because it makes you – a larger part of the human community.”
Theatre, I believe, does the same. We sit in performance spaces surrounded by other audience members, and all experience a show slightly differently; we perform on stages in front of any number of people, but only focus on the ones in the world of the play; we talk about plays and glance at reviews and comment on upcoming events.
I impulsively went to Chicago this past weekend to see two plays, and was reminded of these concepts as I spent some time in the audience. Seeing shows does bring us closer as human beings, whether with the two people we came with or the 212 in the audience, and that can be incredibly moving. So, these next two weeks, take someone you know to come see one of these shows, and enjoy being a part of that community.
Another Openin’, Another Show
Fat Pig 
The Story: From the moment they meet, Tom finds Helen witty and charming, and they quickly fall in love. She happens to be quite plus-sized; Tom claims not to mind, but the people around him do. In this daring and provocative play, one of famed and cruelly witty Neil LaBute’s best, we explore societal treatment of the unfit, our despisal in others of what we fear in ourselves, and the ever-relevant question of whether size really matters or not.
Dates: February 11 – 27, 2011
Tickets and More Information: DTG: Fat P ig, DMM preview
Play On
The Story: In this behind-the-scenes comedy about an amateur theatre group, novice director Gerry Dunbar deals with a diva actress (supported by her doting husband) and their play’s haughty author (with a plethora of rewrites), rounded out by a cranky stage manager and technician. This riotous comedy exemplifies only too well the old theatre adage – “If it can go wrong… it will.”
Dates: February 17 – 19 & 24 – 26 at 8pm and February 20 & 27 at 3pm
Tickets and More Information: Brookville Flower Shop, (937) 833-3531
The Foreigner
The Story: Charlie is pathologically shy; staying together at a bed and breakfast, his friend decides telling the other guests he is foreign and speaks no English will be the easiest thing to do… but once alone with the guests, he overhears more than he should – and much more than they want him to. “Based on what the NY Post describes as a “devilishly clever idea,” the play demonstrates what can happen when a group of devious characters must deal with a stranger who (they think) knows no English” (Dramatists).
Dates: Continues through Saturday, February 26
Tickets: (937) 512-2808 or
More Information: DMM event page, DMM preview
The Story: In a small town in Kansas, everything is going calmly and according to plan for widow Flo Owens and her two daughters. Madge, the oldest, is on her way to being a trophy wife while the younger, more rambunctious daughter Millie is getting ready to go to college on a scholarship. However, Flo starts to worry about their safety when Hal, a handsome but troubled drifter, shows up… (WSU)
Dates: February 17th-19th & 24th-26th at 8:00 PM, February 20th, 26th, & 27th at 2:00 PM, and February 23rd at 7:00 PM.
Tickets and More Information: (937) 775-2500, onStageDayton Review
Part of it All
Auditions: February 23, beginning at 3:45 pm; February 26, beginning at 8:45 am. Register in advance.
Performances: May 6 – 22, 2011
The Story: “Right from the start, Billy, Beaky, Downy and Fluff start flapping and squawking over their freshly-hatched brother duck. He just doesn’t seem right. His feet are way too big, he’s a lousy quacker and, well, he looks downright ugly! Even his parents are embarrassed to show him to the rest of the barnyard. Feeling miserable and alone, “Ugly” leaves home and begins a dangerous journey that will take him to a place where he, too, can be beautiful.” (THT)
Directed by Brittany Hayden-Hinkle
More Information: (937) 433-8957, Town Hall Theatre
La Cage Aux Folles
Auditions: February 28 & March 1, 2011 (Callbacks March 3 & 4)
Performances: May 13 – 29, 2011
The Story: George (a glitzy nightclub owner) and his partner Albin (also the glamorous chanteuse Zaza)’s son is getting married… and in this musical, he brings his fiancée’s conservative parents home to meet the flashy pair. “The bonds of family are put to the test as the feather boas fly [in this] tuneful and touching tale of one family’s struggle to stay together… stay fabulous… and above all else, stay true to themselves!”
Directed by Doug Lloyd
More Information: Dayton Playhouse: Auditions
One Short Day
First Friday
The Basics: In this monthly event, Dayton showcases a variety of artistic, creative, and fun events and locations downtown. Gallery exhibits and entertainment provide a great way to discover downtown and have a great time!
Date: Friday, March 4 (and the first Friday of every month!)
More Information and Events Listing: Downtown Dayton partnership: First Friday
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