Aspiring storytellers and experienced veterans alike are invited to take part in this workshop. Story Slam Dayton producers Shelly Hulce and Bryan Suddith will share their experience from both sides of the stage with the workshop attendees.
Bryan and Shelly will cover the basics of crafting a story for the stage, basic storytelling structure, editing for time and will allow storytellers a chance to try out the stage in front of a small audience.
Bryan will share his method for shaping stories for the Story Slam stage. Stories in this format are 5 minutes in length, are told in the first person and have to relate to each month’s theme.
Shelly will lead the group on stage, overcoming the bright lights and how to command the stage at the mic.
Shelly has been leading the local Story Slam community for more than 10 years. Bryan is two-time Moth Storytelling GrandSlam participant and can be found telling stories on and off stage frequently.

The workshop is $5.00 and every participant will receive one (1) free admission to a future story slam. To learn more about Story Slam Dayton, visit us at Facebook.com/StorySlamDayton