July 4, 1776 was the day the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. While the official signing didn’t take place until later, July 4th is our official celebration of Independence. The legacy of the revolutionary celebration was cannonfire and bonfires. Today we’ve evolveed to pyrotechnics to patriotic music in small towns, celebrating family and community.
There will be no shortage of celebrations this year, and due to the mid-week holiday, the fun starts this weekend and continues to mid-week.
Here’s a quick round up of where you’ll find booms and bling in the sky this week:
Fri, June 29th
Courtesy of WPAFB and in recognition of all our military and their families, the 8th annual Air Force Materiel Command Tattoo is a free show featuring Eddie Money. Gates open at 4pm, with a family fun zone, bands, and more. An official ceremony takes place at 8pm, headliner at 9pm and a world class fireworks display launches at 10pm. Directions and Parking info here.
Sat, June 30th
The 18th Annual Old-Fashioned Country Fireworks at the Clark County Fairgrounds include K99.1FM and WHIO News Talk Radio broadcasting live from 7pm. Fireworks start at dusk.
Enjoy the Star Spangled Huber Heights celebration that includes a parade, half marathon and car show, topped off with fireworks that are slated to start between 9:45 and 10pm at Thomas Cloud Park on Brandt Pike.
Waynesville hosts a parade at noon to Pack the Pantry, asking all to bring non-perishables to stock the Waynesville Food Pantry and shoots off fireworks from the high school at 10pm. Rain date: July 1
Enon celebrates at VFW Post 8437 George Rogers Clark Memorial Post with food, games and fireworks at dusk.
Sun, July 1
The City of Dayton will take advantage of the CityFolk crowds to light up the sky at 10pm. The action takes place over the river and will be accompanied by a patriotic music track.
Tues, July 3
Vandalia’s Star Spangled Celebration at the Sports Complex at 1101 Stonequarry Road kicks off at 7pm and feature family fun, food and a concert by Stranger capped off by fireworks at 10pm. (In case of rain, fireworks will be on Fri, July 6th)
Centerville’s 39th annual Americana Festival features a fun run, parade, street fair featuring 300 craft and food booths, artists, musical entertainment and a children’s game and activity area (be sure and visit McKenzie’s Lemonade Stand) and at 10pm enjoy the Famous Rozzi Family fireworks with synchronized music on Fly 92.9 FM. Rain Date July 5th
Beavercreek’s Fun on the 4th starts at 6pm with a Parade which runs along Dayton-Xenia Road from Meadowbridge Drive to the High School. Then join us at Rotary Park for more fun and fireworks at 10pm.
Englewood’s Celebration will start at 7pm with patriotic tunes from the Englewood Civic Band followed by fireworks at 10pm at Centennial Park off West Union Road.
Fairborn kicks the holiday off with a block party on July 3rd, followed up by a parade on the 4th with a concert by Austin Hicks and firewoks at 10pm at Community Park
Kettering’s 35th Go Fourth at Delco Park starts at 6pm with family fun and music by the United States Air Force Band of Flight. Followed by a one-of-a-kind 35th Anniversary fireworks display beginning at 9:45 pm accompanied by patriotic and popular music.
Moraine’s Annual Event includes amusement rides, free concert, food, youth/teen talent show, and of course, fireworks at dusk at Wax Park, which is locate at 3800 Main Street.
Troy has a parade which begins at 10am and fireworks at 10 PM above the Great Miami River Levee.
Yellow Springs has a parade through downtown that starts at 3:30pm and fireworks at dusk at Gaunt Park at 500 West South College Street courtesy of the Lions Club.
Enjoy the Rocket’s Red Glare!
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