On Wednesday, October 24 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm updayton will host its fourth annual Election Forum. Attendees this year will hear both sides of State Issue 2 and will have the opportunity to question County Commission candidates on their plans for Montgomery County. The forum will take place at Dayton Liederkranz-Turner (1400 E. 5th St.) and will be moderated by the League of Women Voters of the Greater Dayton Region.
Updayton’s Election Forum is the exclusive pre-election event dedicated to accepting questions on behalf of local young talent and then connecting them with candidates and issues of importance to them. “Our annual election forum bridges the gap between our target audience and elected officials by bringing the season’s hottest races and issues straight to these young voters,” says Shanon Potts, the updayton Advocacy Chair.
All are welcome to attend, regardless of age or county residency. Questions and important issues may be submitted in advance for consideration online to getinvolved@updayton.com, subject line, “updayton 4th Annual Election Forum.
Invited participants include:
- Incumbent Debbie Lieberman and challenger Ashley Webb for Montgomery County Commission
- Incumbent Judy Dodge and challengers Dave Vore and William Pace for Mont. County Commission
- Speakers from both sides of Issues 2: Ohio Redistricting Amendment
How to attend:
Where: Dayton Liederkranz-Turner, 1400 E. 5th St., Dayton
When: Wednesday, October 24, 2012; 5:30 Registration/Networking, 6-8:00 pm Forum
How: Free to attend, but please RSVP to getinvolved@updayton.com
Updayton is dedicated to spurring economic growth within the region by attracting and retaining young talent. As part of its mission, updayton advocates to local, state and national leaders to make the Dayton area more appealing to young talent.
(submitted by Laura Estandia of Updayton)
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