Looking for a way to get the whole family outside this summer? Come to RiverScape Rentals and they”ll help you get out onto the over 330 miles of connected bikeway your region has to offer.
From hybrids to road bikes, a tandem and child attachments (including trail-a-bikes, trailers and weehoos, they have everything you and your family needs to hit the trails. Prices start at $8 per hour for bicycles and $5 per hour for attachments like children’s bike seats and trailers. Check out the rental rates and equipment and start planning your next adventure!
And if you need help planning your ride, take a look at the bikeway map, ask about the Hub Trex at RiverScape Rentals, or use the Miami Valley Trails website to help make your next trip a reality. There is a lot of construction going on these days, so be sure to check out the alerts and closures listing before starting out.
RiverScape Rentals is open Saturdays and Sundays, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. from May 24 through August 31.