Kelli’s family remembers her through this annual fundraiser!
The Breast Wishes Foundation presents the 4th annual 5k for Kelli to honor and support women with breast cancer and to remember all those we have lost. The 5k for Kelli is a fun and family friendly event that gives 100% of its proceeds to local charities: The Noble Circle Project, Good Samaritan Hospital’s Breast Health Center and our very own Breast Wishes Foundation which grants wishes that bring joy to women and their families affected by breast cancer.
This race is in memory of Kelli James who lost her battle with breast cancer in 2006, and is organized by her two loving sisters. Kelli loved fairies so they encourage everyone to wear tutus and wings…no fairy gear? No problem! We will have plenty to purchase at the merchandise tent with all proceeds going to charity.

Organizers will have free coffee, fruit, and cookies. There will also be free face painting and colored hair spraying. Day Yoga Studio is offering a free pre-race stretch and warm up. The Shakery Juice truck will be there selling delicious juice and healthy sandwiches.
Raffle tickets for $1 include prizes like a 50″ flat screen TV, Kings Island tickets, massages, $100 Kroger gift card, Restaurant gift cards for Luckys, Roost and even the Oakwood Club! Great prizes to the Top 3 male and female runners in each age group and the Top 3 male and female runners overall. Age Divisions include: 19 and Under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & Over

When: Saturday August 20th– Onsite registration starts at 7:30 am. Race starts at 9 am.
Where: Wegerzyn Gardens 1301 E. Siebenthaler Avenue in Dayton. The 5k loop begins and ends close to Wegerzyn Gardens Metro Park but takes place on the Stillwater River Bikeway and Recreation Trail.
Cost: $25, which includes commemorative t-shirt. Please note, shirts are unisex and run a little small so plan accordingly.
NOTE: Early Packet Pickup at George’s Family Restaurant 5216 North Dixie Drive in Dayton on Thursday and Friday August 18th and 19th from 9a-7p.