After hearing the horrible news this morning about another mass shooting this time in my hometown, I reached out to my good friend Lisa Grigsby with Dayton Most Metro asking if she was writing about the tragedy. She said ‘yes, but don’t know where to begin.’
Well let me … I’m pissed!
You knew this cancerous, hateful violence was coming here. Just didn’t know where and when.
Now, we have more thoughts and prayers from one side of the political aisle, and the other, get rid of guns.
I’m not here to take a position or make enemies, but rather ask some questions.
Do we really need average citizens armed with military grade weapons, designed to cause as much damage to the opposite side in conflict or war?
Wait, you’re saying, but the 2nd Amendment says … ENOUGH!
That was written a long, long time ago when people used muskets to kill game for food.
I really did think our representatives would do something, anything after young kids were slaughtered at Sandy Hook.
But once again the powerful gun lobbies with massive amounts of cash won the day.
Now Orlando, Parkland, Vegas, El Paso, dozens of others and now Dayton, nothing, zero, absolute zilch has been done.
Oh, except for thoughts and prayers.
What’s wrong with background checks? Prohibiting the sale of assault rifles, more funding for mental illness, hate sights targeted and removed from the web.
Come on already! We can’t just continue business as usual.
Congressman Turner, Senators Portman & Brown, Governor DeWine, elected leaders, this is ALL on you. We elected you to represent us. Now do your jobs. I’m tired of saying ‘enough is enough.’
Mike Turner posted his daughter was down in the Oregon District well, mine was on her way and to Ned Pepper’s, but her friend couldn’t get a baby-sitter and the other friend was too tired. So, she hung at the house.
Thank God.
After closing at her restaurant job, she would have been there by 1am and who knows, maybe in the line of fire.
Unfortunately one of her friend’s cousins was a victim. Gunned down at the age of 25.
25 people.
Just think out on the town to have some fun with friends. That’s the only thing he did wrong.
I would have never forgiven you and don’t know how the families effected ever will.
It’s time, well overdue, for all of us to rise-up and if our reps in D.C. don’t wake-up. then vote them out. Simple as that.
And one final note, the crap our police officers receive on a daily basis must stop. Yes, just like anywhere there are rogue cops, but day in and out they handle a myriad of calls from being a referee in domestic disputes, helping stranded motorists, directing traffic, et al. We see the awful things on-line and not the 100’s of wonderful things they do.
Also, not sure who the officers were who bravely took this ‘threat’ down, but they should receive the highest honors. :30 they neutralized the situation. God speed my friends.
Remember them the next time you bitch about a cop.
In closing, I’m not saying take away your guns. I’m a believer in the 2nd Amendment.
Hand guns for protection is one thing folks. Rapid fire weapons are not.
Is this really enough?
Your thoughts? Please no prayers!