“To be careless in making decisions is to naively believe that a single decision impacts nothing more than that single decision, for a single decision can spawn a thousand others that were entirely unnecessary or it can bring peace to a thousand places we never knew existed.”
― Craig D. Lounsbrough
No effective leader makes decisions in a vacuum without the benefit of reasoned dialogue, data analysis in most instances to create policies and stated actions that lead to keeping an organization moving forward. This forward motion is in service of a cause greater than self or in most cases the betterment of one’s community however that is defined. No one disputes that sometimes these decisions are difficult due to the nature of the multitude of factors that are and must be considered. This alone makes leadership a role that is not for the faint of heart.
An elected official takes on the mantle of service to one agenda and one agenda only, a desire to be in service to one’s community. A belief that they possess the skills and the sheer force of will to make systemic change and improve the conditions by which we all function and benefit from democracy. All of the campaigning on pledges to wanting to improve the conditions on the ground for all and adopt policies and practices bolster those actions drive our willingness to participate in the electoral process of our democracy.
Transparency is one of the unspoken tenets or hallmarks of democracy. That regardless of politics or personal ideology, The transparency of our public officials in their decision making is critical in order for trust to exist. That we are all working in good faith towards this state of institutional honesty. Our trusting votes as citizens, that we place in your leadership capabilities put you in the position to craft and shape decisions that maximize our potential for greatness and on the flip side, minimize the impact of making the tough decisions.
Amid this global pandemic and the subsequent devastation that is ravaging our communities on every level, there is not one aspect of our daily lives that has not been profoundly impacted. These changes have exposed every hidden malignancy that negatively shapes our society from systemic racism to wealth inequality and public health systems failures. Daily we all are having to make difficult decisions on how we learn, how we stay alive, and how do we continue moving forward in our new reality that is rapidly becoming normalized. People are hurt and angry and have one simple request from their elected officials, to be seen and heard about the decisions that will shape their lives. decisions that you in your role as an elected official must make.

Students from Stivers School for the Arts
As the Dayton Public School board and administration roll out their decision regarding not only the economic and professional lives of their essential workers, I beg that they consider the lasting impact of those decisions. on the students as well. These essential workers have dedicated their lives to the building of relationships with their students that may mean the difference between success and failure going forward in their lives. The shockwave of this decision to temporarily furlough educators will be felt for years to come. This is not hyperbolic rhetoric, this a clear-eyed and sober appeal to you to consider in the final hours of before the gavel comes down in parliamentarian fashion at your meeting today, that no matter which way your decision falls that “history” does indeed have its eyes on you.